Whitetail trophy fee
Below 120: $1400
Below 130: $2700
130: $3500
140: $4500
150: $5750
160: $6500
170: $7500
180: $8500
190: $10,000
200: $12,000
210: $100 per inch over 210
Whitetail doe: $395
Exotic Trophy Fee
Aoudad: $4900
Addax M/F: $7500
Aditar M/F (Addax/Oryx cross): $7500
Axis buck: $4995
Axis doe: $895
Black buck: $4500
Black buck doe: $695
Buffalo: $5500
Eland bull: $7500
Fallow buck: $6900
Fallow doe: $495
Gemsbok: $8200
Hog deer: $4995
Impala buck: $5995
Nilgai bull: $5000
Nilgai cow: $2500
Pierre David: $7000
Pierre David doe: $895
Red Stag: $6800
Red Hein: $1000
Scimitar Oryx M/F: $5700
Wildebeest Blue M/F: $8000
Lodging: $150 per night (+$100 per night with meals)
Guide fees: $250 per day
3 day hunt only: $750
3 day hunt with lodging only: $1200
3 day hunt with lodging and meals: $1500 (minimum 3 hunters and/or non-hunters)**
*Deposits required to make reservation
*Some animals may have special pricing for exceptional characteristics.
*Female doe are add-ons only.